Let’s glow up together
Reclaim Hope
Reclaim Hope 〰️
Franceé Haydel
Believe me, this 4’ll” chic with curves has experienced it all when it comes to weight, shopping, and just trying to “FIT” in. As a product of the 80’s, where we sun-bathed on the roof with Crisco used foil to increase the rays and sprayed an abundance of sun-in until our hair turned orange God’s been working on me for quite some time. It’s been a journey I tell ya, but I am so thankful to be where I am today doing what I LOVE!
You see, I am recovered anorexic. At age 13 trying to “FIT IN” almost killed me. Weighing at 58lbs I went from starting each half to sitting the bench because I didn’t have the energy to perform the way I once could. Thoughts of why didn’t I look like this one or that one played in my head like a broken record.
I don’t care what that tag on that tunic says, ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL!
Thankfully, that record was shattered and love triumphed.
You see that “tag on that tunic” was a lie. We were never created to be alike. We were uniquely and beautifully crafted in His image. So, began the journey to love the skin I was in…
However, the skin I was in was starting to reflect the love I had not given it in the 80’s. On a routine visit to the Dermatologist, I received the unfortunate news that 3 moles showed signs of being pre-cancerous. Having lost my mother from lung cancer at the age of 19, my heart sank. No way was I going to let my kids lose me if I had anything to do with it. So I began to research safer ways to get my GLOW UP.
Something you should know about me is that when I love something I want to share it with anyone and everyone. Helping people to feel extra special is what fuels my soul.
It is my mission to help whoever God sends me to feel comfortable, special and to glow like never before.
Having been in the fitness industry for over 30 plus years I do believe that our bodies are our temples and we should treat them as such. Being healthy is more than just a workout. What we put in our bodies is just as important as what we put on our bodies. So I passionately promise to use and continue to research the most natural products made so that you are continuing to add years to your life and beautiful memories with the ones you love. May we all continue to Glow UP as we were all meant to shine and UP is where we will find HIM.
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